Dernier en ligne: 27 février 2024

alanlemp1 ID: 1000627012

65 y/o homme, Zodiaque: Cancer, property, london, Royaume-Uni
anglais(Courant), français(Basique)
I am a divorced single man,with 2 grown up boys. I have worked very hard all my life, which has brought great rewards. I have come to a stage in my life where I want to take it easy , and enjoy life to the full.
I am of the old school, where I think men should look after women.
Description de la personne idéale:
I am looking for a soul mate. Somebody to fall in love with, and be with them until your dying days.Somebody that I am proud to be with, and it's an honour to have you on my arm.
Honesty,integrity and sincerity are a must. A wife to make a family with. I have a lot to give.

2 enfants

Sans importance

5'10" - 5'11" (176-180cm)




Ecole secondaire



2 enfants


Amitié, Mariage, Relations, Romance