Dernier en ligne: 28 février 2009

notgot ID: 1000112830

90 y/o homme, Zodiaque: Capricorne, Financial consultant, Auckland, Nouvelle-Zélande
Nina I am too old for your age group but I would just like to say that you look and sound a lovely lady.
I am a long way away but having read what you have to say about yourself I just want to wish that you do find the right man because that is not easy in this world. There are too many men you cannot trust.

Take care lovely lady - I wish I was younger because I have a feeling you and I could be good together.I know it is silly for me to send this but you seem very special

Love Gavin
Description de la personne idéale:

sans enfants


6'2" - 6'3" (186-190cm)




sans enfants